History of the first born smiley
Gak tau bener apa gaknya..tapi..seenggaknya kalo bener ini adalah proses kelahiran
sesuatu yang membuat percakapan di dunia maya jadi lebih mempunyai "perasaan"
Proses kelahirannya lahir di sebuah bulletin board di internet kurang lebih pada tanggal 19 Sept 1982
Gak seluruh prosesnya ditampilin, kalo mo lengkap baca aja di sini
here it goes...
18-Sep-82 20:40 Guy Steele at CMU-10A ! Joke markers again
I hope everyone realized that my previous remark about non-use
of joke markers was a joke, and was flagged as such by the
absence of a marker. This message is not a joke, as indicated
by the exclamation point.
18-Sep-82 21:58 Feng-Hsiung Hsu at CMU-10A Trek Game Document
I accidentally printed out a copy of the Trek game document in a
attempt to read the document on the ALTO. When I went to the Dover
room, I found one Trek Document on the Dover, another coming out,
and more copies on the Guest rack. Maybe some other people have
printed them without knowing it. If you are interested in the game,
perhaps you should go to the Dover room first and find out if there
is any Trek Document left.
18-Sep-82 22:06 Lee Brownston at CMU-10A Books for Sale
My book collection has grown to unmanageable size, so I am forced to
sell hundreds of books. The list, which will be kept up to date, can
be found in the file books.txt[a780lb90] on CMU-10A. At the moment,
the vast majority of the books in the list are in Cognitive Psychology,
with an especially good selection of books from Erlbaum. Sorry, my
sale books do NOT include anything from Computer Science, Artificial
Intelligence, or Mathematics. Examine the file for further details.
18-Sep-82 23:49 Leonard N Zubkoff Kerosene Heaters
From: Leonard N Zubkoff
Jan and I are considering purchasing a Kerosene heater to ease heating bills
this winter, but we are concerned about any problems of Kerosene fumes. Would
anyone having any information on the current breed of such heaters please get
in touch with us. Replies to Zubkoff @ CMUC. Thanks.
19-Sep-82 11:44 Scott E Fahlman :-)
From: Scott E Fahlman
I propose that the following character sequence for joke markers:
Read it sideways. Actually, it is probably more economical to mark
things that are NOT jokes, given current trends. For this, use
19-Sep-82 13:46 Pat Langley at CMU-10A house for sale
Our house in Squirrel Hill is for sale. For details, see house.txt[a310pl20].
19-Sep-82 17:16 Mike Blackwell Biking
From: Mike Blackwell
Well, Nivek, Pat and I made to Ohio and back on Saturday, and lived to
tell about it! Highlites were: wild cows and ducks, twenty five thousand
Coke machines, a direct correlation between dead 'possums and Corvettes
on the road, some really great hills, the best apples we've ever had,
and Stubenville.
Anyway, Nivek and I know of lots of good and bad biking roads in the
area, and would like to share the knowledge. If you are ever inclined
on taking a trip, we may be able to give you pointers on a good route.
Better yet, if you want to go on a medium (~50 miles) to long (~100
miles) trip, you can probably twist our arms into going with you.
So if you are at all interested in bike touring the western PA area, let
me know. If I get enough (any?) response, I will try to organize
something (me, organized? ha!).
19-Sep-82 18:20 Matthew Lewis at CMU-10A Things we shouldn't know?
Herb Simon will be giving a lecture entitled:
"Are there things we should not know?
Social responsibility and science"
- Thursday, 23 September, at 3:30
- Frick Fine Arts Auditorium
(The building to the left after you go over the bridge towards Pitt)
This event is the first in a series sponsored by the
Pitt Forum for Social Responsibility and Values.
19-Sep-82 18:56 Jeff Shrager at CMU-10A 38521,03,9(6),9(9),1(5),0
Just signifying that a message is a joke is certainly not sufficient.
One can develop a taxonomy of bboard message types along several different
dimensions. Also, where a continuum is preferable to a taxonomy (such as
where humor value is at issue) one can similarly use a scale to indicate
where along that scale this message lies. Suppose that all dimensions are
refered to by a ten point scale (we'll use all integers here although one
can certainly imagine reals in the case of fine grain continuous scales).
Some dimensions will be bitwise encoded as well.
Here is a sample of a coding scheme: